Permanently Plugged into the Fullness of Christ

Archive for July, 2023

Your Righteousness

God is constantly reminding you of your righteousness.  For In Christ you have been given the free gift of righteousness, and that means a vibrant, unhindered, perfect fellowship and union with God. A heart that is no longer guilty, condemned, feeling shameful or tormented with doubt, but is secure in God’s love, is peaceful and is in harmony with the presence of God.  A heart that can flourish and thrive in sure knowledge that God is totally committed to you and will keep you safe in Christ forever.

Every new day is a gift from God

Every new day is a gift from God to experience the wonder and delight of his love. Ageing is not a choice but your response to it is. Your outward man will grow older but your inner man is being changed from one degree of glory to another degree of glory. Don’t let the aches and pains of life rule the way you live, for what you believe in your heart will be evident in your body. You have the power of God and the life of Christ alive in you. In Christ you are whole, restored, and healthy and have a sound mind. Live in the fullness of God’s power flowing through your body.

God has provided all you need in Christ Jesus

God has provided all you need in Christ Jesus, with every drop of blood, every strike of each nail Christ demonstrates that the horror and torment of the cross is his eternal commitment to you. His death was your death; his resurrection life is now your resurrection life. God embraced you into his son at the cross; it was God’s declaration of love to you. Each step you take into the provision of deliverance from the kingdom of death, sickness and lack is a realisation of all Christ has given you.  Don’t hold back, live in all Christ has provided for you.

A Well-spring of Joy.

You have been given a well-spring of joy. Bubbling up within is an oasis of eternal delight, divine satisfaction and heavenly transformation. Let the delight of God saturate your mind and release you from the fears, worries, doubts that would come to oppress you, keep you awake, hold you down and agitate you. His peace has found its home within your heart. He has painted a picture of his reassurance and hope within you. Connect with the river of delight flowing inside your heart and let his abundant life fill your mind.

The whisper of God

The whisper of God within your spirit is nudging you in realms of ever increasing glory.  His inner promptings are encouraging you into greater depths of his goodness. You have been given the mind of Christ; the eternal wisdom has been deposited inside you. It is sometimes easier to concentrate on our limitations, on our own deficits instead of Christ’s abundant promises. God is faithful to us, He is faithful to you, He can be trusted to keep his word. When God nudges us he provides the grace to give us all we need and we can have a confident expectation of his goodness at all times.

Furnace of Grace

God is at work in your heart constantly making you aware of his deep love and acceptance of your life in Christ. Every moment is an opportunity to experience the divine delight of a father’s love.  God’s heart of passion has ignited a furnace of grace within you, so open the doors of the furnace and let his burning flames consume your life.  Let him affirm his love to you, so you can affirm his love to others. For out of you flows a fountain of life, every word is a declaration of the wonder and beauty of the love of God.

Look at life through new perspectives

Look at life through new perspectives, focus on the wonder of all God has provided and given you. Each one of us is a precious jewel, held and captivated by the loving heart of Christ. You are the joy of heaven; the son that was lost but now has been found and brought home. Don’t let the world shape you into its mould, don’t be trapped into the rut of life. Exercise you faith, discard your unbelief in the rubbish bin of trust. Don’t be held back by encroaching boredom, for there are infinite possibilities in Christ. Take the first step today and step into the new perspectives God has for you.

God has inclined his ear to you;

God has inclined his ear to you; he longs to hear the sound of your voice. Your words are nectar to his heart; your words fill heaven with divine delight. Your voice was designed and created to communicate with God. Every word you declare has the power to bless and demonstrate the glory of God. God bends over to listen to you, he holds you, cares for you and keeps you close in an ever loving embrace. Never be afraid to come to God, never let shame and guilt put up a barrier in your mind, for you are a son of God and the delight of the Father’s heart.

God is thinking excellent thoughts about you

God is thinking excellent thoughts about you, for when he sees you he sees Christ alive in you. God has released you from the bondage of condemnation and the yoke of shame. You have been lifted out of the quicksand of mediocrity and you have been seated into heavenly places in Christ. It is time for your mind to be reprogrammed to the truth of God’s life alive in you. Let his word invade the lofty areas of your mind, and transform you from defeat into victory, from darkness into light.

God doesn’t give up on you,

God doesn’t give up on you, he is a vast, deep ocean of perseverance. His commitment to you is unwavering, as sure as the sun rises every morning he has set his affection towards you. He is there ready to hold you, keep you, with arms wide open and a heart full of delight. The promises of God are a sure foundation and the purposes of God are a light to keep your heart alive to the voice of the Father.

God is Totally Trustworthy,

God is totally trustworthy, totally honest, thoughtful, believable and on your side. He never wavers, he is never moved by circumstances for he knows the beginning from the end and he is relentless in his affection towards you. Nothing is too small for him, nobody is beyond his reach and no one is a lost cause. The riches of heaven had been made available to you, God’s provision is his promise to you, never to leave you, never to forsake you and to keep you in perfect peace.

Author of Compassion

God is the author of compassion, a reservoir of mercy and the source of divine relief. The activation of all God’s grace is found in his goodness and it is manifested in his love. He loves us because we are his divine delight, he created you and me with the express desire to be with us and enjoy us forever. The satisfaction of his heart is to fill your body, soul and spirit with his peace, for you to live in the full experience of his glory, and to enjoy the living connection of the Holy Spirit thriving inside you.

Jesus Eradicated your Sin at the Cross.

Jesus eradicated your sin at the cross. The sin of the entire world, past and present and all sins in the future were forgiven at the cross in one act of God, never to be repeated. His blood poured out for you sealed you into a new covenant of deliverance, peace, joy, abundance, favour and divine delight.  It took you from a life of darkness and blindness and brought you in to a glorious, radiant life of light. Don’t identify with the darkness, don’t identify with the past, once the light has been switched on live in the light. Live in the victory of Christ, for it was for freedom that Christ has set you free.

Christ Always Initiates, we Respond.

Christ always initiates, we respond. Christ floods our hearts with his desire, his plans, his purposes and his faith. His grace abounds to us and is an overflowing stream flooding our spiritual senses. Christ awakens within us his desire for us to enter into all the delights and riches of all he is and has won for us. Our faith is our positive response to his desire. Our doubt is our unbelief in the desire of Christ to always give us good things and love us. Christ’s intense purpose is that our body, soul and spirit are revived, rejuvenated and restored into an ever-increasing awareness of his goodness and that his desire transforms us into greater experiences of his glory.

Christ is the Abundant Life in Your Senses.

Christ is the abundant life in your senses. He is the passionate embrace of your deep longing. The world with its doubting tentacles, will try to wrap its unbelief around your heart and drag you into an abyss of hopelessness. With subtle weeds of unbelief it will try to pull you under and entice you away. Don’t let your heart become jaded, but let your heart relish the power and presence of Christ. Enjoy and be ravished with the delight of the Father and the desire of the Son feasting in your heart. Your heart is God’s banqueting table, overflowing with the good things of God. He is the passionate embrace of your deep longing. The world with its doubting tentacles, will try to wrap its unbelief around your heart and drag you into an abyss of hopelessness. With subtle weeds of unbelief it will try to pull you under and entice you away. Don’t let your heart become jaded, but let your heart relish the power and presence of Christ. Enjoy and be ravished with the delight of the Father and the desire of the Son feasting in your heart. Your heart is God’s banqueting table, overflowing with the good things of God.

God’s grace is as the Morning Dew

God’s grace is as the morning dew. Freely given, freely available, freely bestowed on everything he created and loved. God has given us his life. The fullness of God in Christ Jesus has been planted into the garden of our hearts. We are rooted into the deep, rich soil of God’s unconditional love. The divine resurrection power of the risen Christ is the same power that motivates your heart. Your union with Christ is effortless it is founded in his exceeding, abundant promise sowed into your life. Grace has come to you, let it overwhelm you, let it be as the morning dew. Let it nourish you, establish you and make you flourish in all good things.

The Plan of the Cross

The plan of the cross was to conquer death by death. The climax of the promise of God was the victory of love, the power of commitment.  For Jesus knew that his Father’s love for him was unconditional, that his Father would never let him down, never forsake him, He knew that God would eternally keep him. Jesus gave up everything, poured himself out in death because he knew the Father’s pleasure was in loving him.  The cross was the strength of goodness defeating sickness, lack and death. The power of the cross was the fullness of God conquering death by death.

Awaken your Heart

There is far more going on in your life than you ever dreamed. There is a magnificent well of living, healing, abundant water bubbling in the deep ocean of your heart. The mundaneness of your life has been immersed in the passion of God. Days that often seem tedious have been chosen and the power of God inside you is alive to overflow and release you into all God planned. Every day in Christ is a day of adventure into the grace and abundance of your inheritance in Christ. Awaken your heart to the endless bounty of all Christ has placed inside your Spirit.

Everything of God is Contained in his Grace.

The grace of God is best known by your personal enjoyment of it. You were created to feel, know and experience the glory of God. Everything of God is contained in his grace. The grace of God is meat and drink to your soul. Drink of the deep waters of the grace of God. For as the river of grace flows into the ocean of thanksgiving, so let songs of joy rise up in your heart, and sing out into the darkness. For the darker the night all around you, the brighter the light shines and your songs are beacons of hope in a world of despair.

Jesus Christ is here Inside You

Jesus Christ is here inside you. He is not up there waiting to do something for you. He is not up there waiting for you to do something for him. He is not sitting on the edge of his seat ready to respond to your prayers. He has already answered your prayer. You are a living, walking, feeling, thinking, and emotional vessel of the Holy Spirit. His will for you is to show forth the glory of God in every part of your life. To set the dry stubble of the world’s unbelief on fire with the passion and power of God and to be the radiance of Christ in everything you do.

Forgiveness flows from the Deep Infinite Heart of God.

Forgiveness flows from the deep infinite heart of God. The eternal display of his love has been forever captured in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. With every act of forgiveness that comes from our hearts, we portray the tender love of God. Our declaration to the world is that God loves you, he has forgiven you and he invites you into an intimate relationship birthed in love. When you forgive you are a living demonstration that the Kingdom of God has arrived and every act of forgiveness kisses earth with heaven.

The Seeds of Love

The seeds of love sowed into your heart by Christ are bringing about a harvest of his goodness. The fruit that Christ will produce from you has been planted and grown in the finished work of the cross. The tree of life alive within you is a tree of love, forgiveness and unmerited grace. Delight in his desire to see you flourish in all good things and let his fruits manifest in your life. Declare his goodness, enjoy his freedom and be immersed in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Christ loved us before the Beginning of Time

Christ loved us before the beginning of time; His desire was his passionate pursuit of our hearts. The love that fills our hearts has been birthed in the love of God. We were created by love, in love and for love. We are a living, breathing, reflection of the trinity, a manifestation of the desire and delight of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The passion placed inside your heart is the passion of God to be intimate with the core of your being. His desire for you is the fuel for his total commitment to see you flourish in every part of your life.

Qverflow of your Heart

Let Christ live out of the overflow of your heart, open up your innermost thoughts and let his living water flood over your life. Don’t let the thief come in and steal the lover’s gifts from your heart. Refuse false accusations, put busyness in its rightful place and throw yourself at the feet of Jesus. Let Christ draw you close, enjoy the sweetness of his breath in your soul and allow Jesus to reveal his beauty to you. Your lover is calling you, beckoning you into his chamber of love, let him live out of the overflow of your heart.